How Silly Can Things Get?
Cradled wood panel-assemblage: collage, post cards, mechanical clock, antique frame, acrylic paint, fabric covered panel.
18¾” x 17″ x 1½”
Natural maple finished wood.
20¼” x 18¼” x 3½”
Artist Note: Albert Einstein’s (1879-1955) theories of relativity provide a more classical and absolute meaning of our three physical dimensions. In contrast the theories of quantum mechanics developed by Max Planck (1858-1947) are more concerned with the behavior of quanta matter and energy in the universe on a subatomic level that is less absolute and quantifiable. Among Einstein’s quantum contributions was a study about light quanta.
However, his attempts at trying to unify his theories with quantum theory proved frustrating and in time he commented: “the more success the quantum theory has, the sillier it looks.” 1.
Artwork: The artwork is about Einstein determining that gravity provides a fourth dimension that warps space-time.
Footnotes: 1. Brockman, John: My Einstein, Pantheon Books, N. Y. 2006. 2. To Heinrich Zangger, May 20, 1912. Refer: Bell, Jim: The Space Book, Sterling Publications, N. Y. 2013.